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Migration of Monarch Butterflies: two places near the Bay Area to see them

Updated: Feb 1

Head to Natural Bridges State Beach or Pacific Grove to witness the beauty of the migration of monarch butterflies. Peak viewing is typically in December and January.

  • Location: 2531 W Cliff Dr, Santa Cruz, CA

  • Monarch butterfly migration tends to happen at Natural Bridges in mid-October, have peak observation numbers in late-November and early-December, and migrate out of the area by mid to late-January and sometimes into February

  • So it may be a little too late in the season to see large numbers of them, but we visited in early January and saw a few. 

  • Take the Monarch Grove Trail located at Natural Bridges for aself-guided monarch tour.

  • Parking is $10 at the Natural Bridges visitor Center 

  • Stay after and enjoy the beach

  • Location: 250 Ridge road, Pacific Grove, CA

  • The butterflies typically arrive in mid-October and leave in February 

  • Check the website for a count of how many monarch butterflies are currently there.

monarch butterflies in california, pacific grove and santa cruz


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